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Charity and Community Work  Gwaith Elusennol a Chymunedol

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Organ Donation  Rhoi Organau

Families need to talk!!

Mae angen i deuluoedd siarad!!

April 17 2012 will always be remembered by Rhys Meirion as the day he lost his beautiful sister Elen. She fell down the stairs of her home and suffered a fatal head injury. When he and his family were told by the doctors of Glan Clwyd Hospital, that there was no hope for Elen and were asked if they would consider giving concent for her Organs to be donated, it was, to say the least, a bit of a shock. This is where Gwenllian, Elen's 14 year old Daughter, showing immense courage and maturity beond her years, spoke out and told of a discussion she had with her mother only a few weeks previously where Elen had catagoricaly stated that it would be her wish to donate her organs if the worst happened to her. Because of this there was no hessitation in giving their blessing for Elen's organs to be donated.

Five lives have been changed forever because of Elen's selfless gift, and now Rhys Meirion feels very strongly about raising awareness about the possitives in Organ Donation.

Fe fydd Ebrill 17 2012 yn cael ei gofio am byth gan Rhys Meirion fel y dyddiad y collodd ei chwaer annwyl Elen. Fe ddisgynodd i lawr y grisiau yn ei chartref lle y cafodd anafiadau angeuol iw phen. Pan ddwedwyd wrtho a'r teulu gan ddoctoriaid Ysbyty Glan Clwyd nad oedd gobaith i Elen ac y gofynwyd iddynt os y byddent yn cysidro rhoi caniatad iw organnau i gael eu defnyddio ar gyfer trawsplannu fe oedd, i ddweud y lleiaf, yn dipyn o sioc. Dyma lle y dangosodd Gwenllian, merch 14 Elen, ddewrder ac aeddfedrwydd tu hwnt iw oedran drwy siarad am drafodaeth yr oedd wedi ei gael gyda'i mam ychydig wythnosau ynghynt lle roedd Elen wedi datgan yn ddi flewyn ar dafod y byddai hi yn bendant eisiau rhoi ei organnau os y byddai'r gweutha'n digwydd iddi. Oherwydd hyn nid oedd ganddynt unrhyw amheuaeth ynglyn a rhoi eu caniatad i Organnau Elen gael eu defnyddio ar gyfer trawsplanu. 

Mae pump o fywydau wedi eu newid am byth oherwydd ei rhodd anhunanol, a dyna pam mae Rhys Meirion mor daer am godi ymwybyddiaeth am y positifrwydd mewn rhoi organau.


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Rhys Meirion and his family through Cerddwn Ymlaen and Awyr Las have set up Elen's fund to concentrate their efforts for organ donation in Wales.

Rhys Meirion’s family decided to establish the Elen Meirion Fund in memory of Rhys’ sister Elen, a gifted and much loved teacher and musician who died in 2012. The family established the Fund because they wished to make sure that those who give the gift of life, as Elen did, are remembered for the magic that they brought to other people’s lives in their own life time and in giving their organs, rather than by the tragic way that they may have lost their lives.

Elen’s Fund aims to support people who need an organ donation in Wales and the bereaved families of those donating their organs in Wales.


Mae Rhys Meirion a'i deulu wedi sefydlu Cronfa Elen drwy Cerddwn Ymlaen ac Awyr Las fel canolbwynt eu hymdrechion dros Roi Organau yng Ngymru.

Sefydlwyd Cronfa Elen gan deulu Rhys Meirion er cof am ei chwaer, Elen, athrawes a cherddor poblogaidd a fu farw yn 2012. Sefydlwyd y Gronfa gan bod y teulu eisiau sicrhau bod rheiny sy’n rhoi eu organau i achub bywydau, fel gwnaeth Elen, yn cael eu cofio am sut gwnaethant gyffwrdd bywydau eraill yn ystod eu bywydau, yn hytrach na’r ffordd drasig y collant eu bywydau.

Ceisia Cronfa Elen gefnogi: pobl sydd angen trawsblaniad organ yng Nghymru a’r teuluoedd rheiny sydd wedi rhoi eu organau.

The Lap of Wales Challenge / Her Cylchdaith Cymru


Taking to the skies, waters, mountains and roads of Wales to promote a national discussion about organ donation.

Teithio Cymru trwy’r awyr, ar ddŵr, ar ffyrdd a dros fynyddoedd i annog trafodaeth genedlaethol am roi organau.


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Please Download Rhys Meirion's New Charity Single "Gift of Life". A Charity Song For Organ Donors ALL PROCEEDS TO ELEN'S FUND

Llawrlwythwch Gan Elusen Newydd Rhys Meirion "Nerth y Gan" Can Deurnged i Roddwyr Organau Ac Yn Codi Arian i Gronfa Elen.


The Wales Air Ambulance  Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru

Rhys Meirion is so proud of being Ambassador for The Wales Air Ambulance for the past Four Years. He was determined to do something proactive in helping to raise money for what he believes to be an essential life saving service here in Wales. With his friend, Eryl Vaughan and others, he was able to see his vission of a National Sponsored Walk in aid of The Wales Air Ambulance become a reality.

Mae Rhys Meirion mor falch o fod yn Lysgenad i Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru ers pedair mlynedd bellach. Roedd yn benderfynol ei fod am wneud rhywbeth ymarferol i godi swm sylweddol o arian i wasanaeth, y mae'n credu yn gryf ynddo fel gwasanaeth hollol angenrheidiol yma yng Nghymru. Gyda'i ffrind, Eryl Vaughan ac eraill, mae Rhys Meirion wedi gweld ei weledigaeth o daith gerdded Noddedig Genedlaethol er bydd Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru yn cael ei wireddu.

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